Friday, May 04, 2007

Happy to Report

In all the excitement of having a baby I forgot to post that JEREMIAH HAS A CAREER! He was offered a job by the Church Education System as a full time Seminary teacher. We are so super excited! In fact, we almost feel like grown-ups! (You know, after 6 years of marriage and 3 kids, we had to grow up sometime.)

He will be employed full time by the 18th of May, finishing out the school year at his current schools, and will start in his new location the beginning of June.

What new location? We have no idea. That's right, we're flying blind, and we don't know when we'll know either. But we're excited and a-rearin' to go nonetheless.

That means that things have been crazy at our house. We've welcomed Jack into our home that's 1/2 packed up and ready to move. We still have a few things to fix up and we're planning on putting up the For Sale sign this weekend. Cross your fingers that we sell it quickly and that we can find a new place easily. I know that's hoping for a lot but I'd like to remain optimistic!


Tammy said...

That is awesome! Congrats to Jeremiah and to your family. It will be really neat to finally hear where you are going.

Katie said...

Congrats Jeremiah! He's going to be an awesome teacher. I don't think you'll have any trouble selling your house. You are Superwoman for having a house that is presentable to show when you have two little ones and a newborn.

Caroline said...

Congratulations to Jeremiah :) I heard you guys don't even have to move far at all :p But with 3 kids, you probably need a little more space :) Happy house hunting...and selling :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job - how awesome for you all and life truly has been good to you all. Aunt Cheryl