Monday, April 16, 2012

Theological Discussion

In the car last night the kids reminded us that we hadn't yet read scriptures for the day and that it had, in fact, been a while since we'd read as a family. Because we were in the car and it was late Jeremiah asked Isaac to share what he learned in Primary yesterday.

Isaac: I learned that there are steps to repentance. First you have to recognize that what you did was wrong. Then you have to do what you can to make it better. You have to pray to Heavenly Father for forgiveness.

Mom: And then?

Isaac: Then you never do it again.

Jeremiah: There's one more thing. What makes it possible for you to repent?

Isaac: You have to sin first.

Kenley: Stop being funny on Sunday!!!

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Those kids are always keepin' it real, huh.