Monday, April 21, 2008

Memoir Tag

Katie tagged me to do a memoir in six words. I'm always telling jokes without receiving the hearty laughter from others that I think they merit. My memoir explains why that is.

My humor is over your head.

But let's not forget my 1st runner-up: I'm a princess, not a maid.
(That one might better serve my posterity.)

I won't tag anyone else, because no one really reads this blog. But if you want to do this, leave me a link in the comments so I can read your six-word memoir.


Katie said...

Hey. I read your blog. And I get your humor. I should win a prize.

Anonymous said...

I read too!!!

KC said...

I do too...I just never comment...usually because I have fallen off my chair from laughing so hard and broke something...

Anonymous said...

My six would be: Love life, wish I had longer. Love Aunt Cheryl