Dreams, movies, tv shows, favorite things, clothes, your car, your hair, birds in your yard, weather, spring, plants & flowers, groceries, sports, vitamins, hair care products, upcoming birthdays, books, ice cream, summer, vacation spots, junk mail, magazines (especially FOOD magazines), motorcycles, helmet laws, analog vs. digital clocks....do I need to go on?
I have a blog to save the lives of my four children. They are cute, but they can be stinkers. Creating a place to journal their antics has given me perspective. Now when they do something that would usually have my veins exploding, I grab my camera and think, "This will make a great post!"
So do I.
I sat for a few minutes the other day with the "new post" page open and just drummed by fingers on the keys for awhile...nothing. :P
Dreams, movies, tv shows, favorite things, clothes, your car, your hair, birds in your yard, weather, spring, plants & flowers, groceries, sports, vitamins, hair care products, upcoming birthdays, books, ice cream, summer, vacation spots, junk mail, magazines (especially FOOD magazines), motorcycles, helmet laws, analog vs. digital clocks....do I need to go on?
You keep me coming back...whatever you write.
You write about nothing and I still laugh!
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