Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Book of Gwen (Chapter 28)

1. Therefore, let it be written:
2. She who cuts her brothers hair, for no fee, the same shall have treasures in heaven. For it is she who does the work of her mother.
3. And also, she who cuts the hair of her brother-in-law, even for a small fee, she too shall have treasures in heaven. For it is she who does the work of her mother-in-law.
4. She also shall cut the hair of her children. They shall learn in their youth that the hair on their head shall grow back. That, by the time they are old enough to care about the vanities of good looks, she might have perfected her methods and thus cause others to stare and snicker no more.
5. And she who cuts the hair of her spouse shall have the greatest treasure of all. For she shall not send him to Dollar Cuts, only to fix the cut when the spouse arrives at the door of his house with great asymmetries in his hairline.
6. And she shall sweep up the hairs that have been cut off their heads.
7. And she shall be allowed to go to the salon for her own hairstyle, for she has saved the money of the family by cutting the hair of each.
8. Thus, let it be so, Amen.


Katie said...


Um, so how great would the treasures in heaven be for she who cuts the hair of her good friend's little boys?

Kari said...

Yea, and Gwen is good in the eyes of Kari.

I'm husband cuts his own hair. However, this also makes me unlucky I guess, because he somehow has not grasped the concept of fully cleaning up said hair and leaves my bathroom counter speckled with tiny bits of hair, which in turn disgust me and cause me to end up using half a tube of Lysol wipes to get rid of the mess.